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So far Parks Associates has created 8 blog entries.

New Business Models Offer More Choice and Reach

By Elizabeth Parks, President & CMO, Parks Associates Since its inception, OTT has represented independence from the traditional MVPD bundle. However, without the bundle, consumers are left to fend for themselves, with some getting overwhelmed by the number of available options. As it turns out, some level of bundling is helping consumers by offering flexibility [...]

By |2023-02-20T20:02:24-04:00February 8th, 2023|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on New Business Models Offer More Choice and Reach

The Residential Broadband Market Is Evolving as Consumers Seek Bundled Services

The broadband market is ripe for change as traditional services fully mature, and participants seek to maximize profitability and new revenue streams. Consumers now value technology more than ever and are increasingly seeking new applications, including wi-fi services and various value-added bundled services. Parks Associates’ industry report “Residential Broadband: State of the Market” evaluates the [...]

By |2022-11-29T19:26:19-04:00November 29th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on The Residential Broadband Market Is Evolving as Consumers Seek Bundled Services

Current Business Model Trends in the OTT Market?

By Tam Williams, Contributing Analyst, Parks Associates Streaming dominates video consumption but has entered a new era of slower growth and re-aggregation. Although the streaming market is maturing, it is by no means settled. US video viewers face a widening number of options for satisfying their video consumption. Consumers find themselves confronting a series of [...]

By |2022-09-16T17:45:00-04:00August 29th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on Current Business Model Trends in the OTT Market?

Future of Video Recap: Personalization and The New Video Viewer

By Sadirah Pathan, Contributor, Parks Associates Consumer expectations of personalized experiences and discovery are higher than ever, with video services and entertainment devices providing user-specific interfaces, search results, viewing recommendations, and advertising. As video services and aggregators grapple with greater personalization and discovery across content sources, the impact of these challenges has major ramifications for services. [...]

By |2022-09-16T17:44:31-04:00August 3rd, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on Future of Video Recap: Personalization and The New Video Viewer

OTT Marketing Service and Trends

By Sadirah Pathan, Public Relations, Parks Associates Today's streaming landscape is one where consumers face a variety of competing OTT services and an often-overwhelming amount of content. The ease and temptation of switching services in this environment makes churn an inherent problem for OTT services. Services today are challenged to drive a consistently high level [...]

By |2022-09-16T17:44:09-04:00June 27th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on OTT Marketing Service and Trends

AI for Video Service Providers and Content Providers

By Paul Erickson, Research Director, Parks Associates Improve customer acquisition, retention, and reduce churn Video services are inherently concerned with subscribership and seek to maximize their performance at each stage of the customer journey, from acquisition to consumption to long-term retention. AI-based analysis of subscriber behavior and activity can better inform subscriber acquisition decisions by [...]

By |2022-09-16T17:40:41-04:00April 14th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on AI for Video Service Providers and Content Providers

Consumers, OTT Bundles, and the Rise of Ad-based Video

By Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates Today, streaming video usage is the norm across the country. According Parks Associates research, over 80% of US broadband households have at least one over the top (OTT) video subscription, like Netflix or Hulu.  OTT subscriptions outnumber those of pay TV and streaming is the primary way [...]

By |2022-07-06T14:29:22-04:00March 11th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on Consumers, OTT Bundles, and the Rise of Ad-based Video

The Rising Need for Smarter Data in Today’s Streaming Video Landscape

By Paul Erickson, Director, Research, Parks Associates The adoption and consumption of streaming video services are taking place within a highly competitive business environment where consumers have a multitude of choices, and can hop from one service to another with relative ease. The need for intelligent data with which service and content providers can optimize [...]

By |2022-07-06T14:30:03-04:00February 8th, 2022|Parks Associates Blog Articles|Comments Off on The Rising Need for Smarter Data in Today’s Streaming Video Landscape
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