By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 3-13-20
Communications companies big and small have signed on to a “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” at the request of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Pai talked with broadband service providers and trade associations Thursday (March 12) and asked them, “in order to ensure that Americans do not lose their broadband or telephone connectivity as a result of these exceptional circumstances, to agree to the following for at least the next 60 days:
(1) “not terminate service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic;
(2) “waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic; and
(3) “open its WiFi hotspots to any American who needs them.” » Read More