Internet Day of Action’s Title II Advocates Speak Out

By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 7-12-17

Title II fans were showing their support on the internet day of action, both by praising the FCC’s current rules and by taking aim at the proposal by FCC chairman Ajit Pai to roll back Title II and reconsider the 2015 Open Internet order.

“INCOMPAS is proud to join and support the net neutrality day of action,” said CEO Chip Pickering.  “A free and open internet is both an economic engine and the greatest free speech platform in history.  We are proud to stand with those defending net neutrality against attempts by large cable and phone companies seeking to block, throttle and control the internet through paid prioritization schemes.”

INCOMPAS even made its point graphically, literally waving the flag for Title II.

“Today I stand with those who believe that a free and open internet is a foundational principle of our democracy,” said FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, who voted against the proposal to roll back Title II.  “Its benefits can be felt across our economy and around the globe.  That is why I am excited that on this day consumers, entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes, including broadband providers and internet startups, are speaking out with a unified voice in favor of strong net neutrality rules grounded in Title II.   >> Read More 

By |2020-01-21T19:56:04-04:00July 13th, 2017|Issue Watch|Comments Off on Internet Day of Action’s Title II Advocates Speak Out

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