2016 Banquet Photos

From Left to right we have Robert McDowell of Wiley Rein; Patrick Maines, President of The Media Institute; Freedom os Speech Recipient – Commissioner Ajit Pai; Dick Wiley of Wiley Rein; Patricia Harrison of CPB; American Horizon Award Recipient – Perry Sook of Nexstar Broadcasting Group and Prof. Adonis Hoffman of Business in the Public Interest.

Pat Harrison of CPB – Keynote Speaker of the evening

Adonis Hoffman, Chairman, Business in the Public Interest- presenter of the American Horizon Award

Media Institute President, Patrick Maines

Adonis Hoffman presenting Mr. Sook of Nexstar Broadcasting Group with the American Horizon Award

American Horizon Award recipient, Mr. Perry Sook of Nexstar Broadcasting Group

Evening MC, Mr. Dick Wiley, Sr. Partner, Wiley Rein

Robert McDowell of Wiley Rein – presenter of the Freedom of Speech Award

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai and Media Institute President Patrick Maines

Robert McDowell presenting Comm. Ajit Pai with the Freedom of Speech Award