2021 Communications Forum Speakers

Below is a list of the representatives from government and the communications industry who have been featured speakers at The Media Institute’s Communications Forum luncheons:

December 9, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr offered insights on a wide range of issues that included the “new era of spectrum policy,” infrastructure buildout, who’s winning the global race for 5G, possible changes to Section 230, telehealth efforts, and NextGen TV during a fireside chat with Media Institute Chairman Dick Wiley.  The virtual discussion was the season finale of the 2021 Communications Forum Luncheon Series on Dec. 9.

Patrick Butler Vimeo

November 9, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

Patrick Butler, president and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations (APTS), discussed public television’s pivotal role in creating virtual learning opportunities for children in all 50 states during the pandemic, public TV’s growing prominence in public safety alerts and civic leadership, and its role in bringing America together during a wide-ranging presentation at a Communications Forum virtual luncheon on Nov. 9.

Kathleen Ham Vimeo

September 14, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

Kathleen Ham, senior vice president of government affairs for T-Mobile US, Inc., discussed a range of topics including T-Mobile’s efforts to bring 5G to rural America, government actions to make more spectrum available, and the industry’s response to the pandemic and Hurricane Ida. She shared her views in a “fireside chat” with Media Institute Chairman Dick Wiley at a Communications Forum virtual luncheon on Sept. 14.

Jonathan Adelstein Vimeo

July 15, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

Jonathan Adelstein, President and CEO of the Wireless Infrastructure Association, offered a wide-ranging look at consumer needs and policy goals for expanding broadband infrastructure during a Communications Forum virtual luncheon on July 15.  He urged Congress to consider a flexible, multi-technology approach to foster resiliency and innovation.

Gary Shapiro Vimeo

June 22, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong First Amendment and free-speech protections amid efforts by federal and state legislators to impose content-related regulations on Big Tech. The free-market system works except when government gets involved, he told a virtual Communications Forum luncheon audience on June 22.

FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks Vimeo

May 11, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks shared his views on a wide range of issues including access to high-speed broadband (his top priority), the future of media diversity, media ownership, broadcast localism, and media accessibility on May 11. His remarks came at the Communications Forum virtual luncheon for May.

March 24, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington discussed the importance of local journalism and the need for broadcast regulation to not impede the financial viability of local broadcasters at a virtual Communications Forum luncheon on March 24. Local stations are struggling, he said, in an environment where Google has become the dominant advertising medium.

February 19, 2021, Luncheon Speaker

Erin Egan, Facebook’s vice president and chief privacy officer for public policy, headlined the first virtual luncheon of the 2021 Communications Forum Luncheon Series on Feb. 19. In a wide-ranging talk, she touched on the importance of targeted advertising, the need for increased trust in the data security of online platforms, and the need for comprehensive federal privacy legislation.