Support The Media Institute
The Media Institute is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that depends on generous contributions from individuals, corporations, associations, and foundations for its existence.
The Institute relies entirely on private funding. We receive no government money, and we have no endowment on which to fall back. It is only through the ongoing generosity of our donors that we are able to carry out our ambitious agenda of programs and projects.
We invite you to support the work of The Media Institute by making a donation today. Only with your support, and the support of others like you, can we continue working to advance freedom of speech and sound communications policy.
Contributions are tax-deductible according to law. Please make your check payable to The Media Institute and mail to:
The Media Institute
Attn: Richard Kaplar, President
1950 Old Gallows Rd., Suite 790
Vienna, VA 22182
When you donate by check, every dollar of your contribution goes directly to The Media Institute – not to credit card companies or online payment services, which keep a percentage as their fee. We know it takes a little more effort on your part, but we trust you’ll think it’s worth it.
Your contribution makes a difference to The Media Institute. And The Media Institute makes a difference in the world of free speech and communications policy.
Thank you for your generosity.