FOR RELEASE: May 23, 2023

Contact: Richard T. Kaplar
The Media Institute

Vienna, Va., May 23, 2023 – Media Institute President Richard T. Kaplar issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s announcement that he intends to nominate Anna Gomez as an FCC commissioner and to renominate FCC Commissioners Brendan Carr and Geoffrey Starks:

“We congratulate Anna Gomez on her nomination as a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission.

“Ms. Gomez brings an unusually rich portfolio of experience that includes not only the FCC but also the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Senate Commerce Committee.  In addition, her experience in the private sector will give her valuable perspective on the challenges facing media and telecommunications companies.”

“Ms. Gomez has distinguished herself in all facets of her career, and the Commission should benefit greatly from her wide-ranging expertise.

“We likewise congratulate Commissioners Brendan Carr and Geoffrey Starks on their renominations.  They have proved extremely able, competent, and knowledgeable in working to advance initiatives that serve the public interest and meet the needs of consumers.

“We look forward to working with Ms. Gomez as we have with Commissioners Carr and Starks.”

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