By John Eggerton, Multichannel News, 4-25-22

Curtis LeGeyt, NAB president and CEO, offered his State of the Industry presentation at the NAB Show in Las Vegas.  He broke down his four priorities as he works with policymakers.  He said Congress must take action to rein in “the gatekeeping ability of the Big Tech giants,” mentioning how local broadcasters lose some $2 billion annually when their content is accessed through Google and Facebook.

Lawmakers “must modernize media ownership laws to reflect the realities of the marketplace,” LeGeyt said.  Google and Facebook control around 77% of locally focused digital advertising, he added.

Third, the NAB urges the FCC “to reorient how it thinks about broadcast policy more broadly,” said LeGeyt.

His final point for policymakers is urging congressional support for the Local Radio Freedom Act, which opposes a new performance fee on radio stations.  » Read More