FOR RELEASE: April 5, 2021
Contact: Richard T. Kaplar
The Media Institute
Arlington, Va., April 5 – Media Institute President Richard T. Kaplar issued the following statement regarding the death of long-time Board member Kurt Wimmer:
“We are extremely saddened by the passing of our good friend Kurt Wimmer. He was a member of The Media Institute’s Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2020 and served as Chairman of our First Amendment Advisory Council for more than 10 years. He was also one of our finest writers and policy analysts, and authored numerous book chapters, issue papers, and court briefs for the Institute.
We had the pleasure of working with Kurt since 1999, and during that time he advanced the mission and goals of the Institute in myriad ways. We will miss his fine legal mind and his principled approach to public policy. But most of all we will miss the good and decent person he was, and the trusted friend he became. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family, friends, and colleagues.”
The Media Institute is a nonprofit research foundation working to advance sound communications policy, freedom of speech, and excellence in journalism. For more information, visit the Institute online at
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