By John Eggerton, Multichannel News, 10-13-20
Cable and telecom broadband operators have joined to tell President Donald Trump not to try and nationalize 5G network infrastructure by inserting the government into the commercial market.
That is according to a copy of a letter being sent to the White House later today from NCTA-The Internet & Television Association, CTIA, USTelecom, CCA, WIA, NTCA, and NRECA.
That letter follows the Department of Defense’s efforts to seek either comment or a proposal on a government-private partnership in a 5G network.
“Such an action would be at odds with more than a century of private sector led innovation and investment in communications networks, have a chilling effect on the entire broadband sector, and jeopardize American leadership in the global digital economy,” they wrote.
They make the point that, collectively, they have invested trillions of dollars of private capital to build networks that “power our innovation economy” and ensure connectivity for millions. » Read More