By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 11-18-19

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) has introduced yet another version of a STELAR renewal bill, the “Satellite Television Community Protection and Promotion Act (STCPP) of 2019.”

There are already Senate Commerce and House Energy & Commerce versions of a bill that would renew the satellite compulsory distant signal license and the mandate that broadcasters and MVPDs negotiate carriage deals with each other in good faith.  Judiciary and Commerce divide jurisdiction over the issue.

There is no Senate Judiciary version.  Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has signaled the law should expire and a free market take over, with some glide path toward that goal.

The Senate version – courtesy of Senate Commerce Chairman Roger Wicker – is a straight renewal, while the House E&C version includes some reforms.  Nadler’s version is relatively clean, but comes with a catch involving AT&T’s DirecTV….<

The Doyle and Nadler and Wicker bills would have to be reconciled and voted on, or voted on and reconciled ASAP as the days in the session dwindle to a precious few.  » Read More