By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 8-6-19

While Microsoft and broadcasters have come to some meeting of the minds on use of the so-called “white spaces” between TV channels for unlicensed broadband use, the computer company remains opposed to broadcasters retaining the first channel adjacent to a TV station’s channel as a buffer between stations and unlicensed users, something broadcasters say they need to protect against interference, certainly in the near term.

The FCC already allows such use, but Microsoft wants the FCC to tweak its rules to allow for expanded white spaces, arguing in part that new broadcast transmission technology (ATSC 3.0) will allow for more “robust” receivers.

In a July 29 meeting between Microsoft execs and aides to commissioners Brendan Carr and Michael O’Rielly, in response to a question from Carr policy adviser Evan Swarztrauber, Microsoft attorney Paul Margie “reiterated” the company’s “opposition to allowing television broadcasters to use a second channel for ATSC 3.0 operations.  » Read More