By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 7-5-19

On July 4, FCC chairman Ajit Pai took aim at what he sees as efforts by elements of his own government to delay the rollout of critical 5G networks, and did so on a trip outside the U.S.

That came in a speech to the Congreso Latinamericano de Telecommunicaciones in Córdoba, Argentina.  As per the tradition of keeping internal squabbles internal when offshore, Pai did not call out anyone by name or initials, but those following the issues knew who he was talking about, confirmed by a spokesperson.

“Building 5G networks is a daunting and expensive project in its own right.  With a project this big, we are sure to run up against resistance, whether it’s incumbents making unfounded claims about spectrum interference or different levels of government trying to charge high fees.”  » Read More