By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 3-13-19

Broadcasters and movie studios rate the TV content ratings/guideline system as working quite well, pointing to “public surveys” over a decade that show lots of folks are using the guidelines and that the ratings get “consistently high marks for accuracy.”  They also say the ratings oversight board is overseeing as it should….

That rosy review came in comments from the National Association of Broadcasters and the Motion Picture Association of America to the FCC, which was directed by concerned members of Congress in the recent appropriations bill to review the ratings for accuracy, including the monitoring board that oversees it.

By contrast, critics, and there are many if the FCC docket is any gauge, say ratings are inaccurate and the monitoring board ineffective and packed with industry ratings defenders.  At press time there were 1,653 comments, the second busiest docket in the past 30 days.  » Read More