By Abigail Hauslohner and Susan Svrluga,, 10-20-17

SAN FRANCISCO – When the posters went up a third time, it happened in broad daylight, midmorning on a Thursday.  Rabab Abdulhadi saw the move as increasingly bold and deeply unsettling.

There was her face, and the names of her students, again plastered all over campus below these words: “TERRORIST SUPPORTERS.”

Abdulhadi is San Francisco State University’s sole Arab Muslim professor teaching about Arab and Muslim issues.  She is a frequent target of right-wing groups because of her criticism of Israel.

While there is no evidence that the posters’ message has any validity, Abdulhadi was incensed, and she looked to the university to do something about it.  University administrators, however, said the posters’ makers were entitled to free speech….

The nation’s colleges are facing growing pressure to redefine the limits of free speech in an age of resurgent white supremacists and amid pleas for inclusiveness on increasingly diverse campuses.  For some students and professors, suppressing hate speech has become more important than protecting the values enshrined by the First Amendment. » Read More