By John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable Online, 9-26-17

Opponents of the FCC‘s proposal to roll back the Title II reclassification of internet access providers and rethink the 2015 Open Internet order are preparing for their Sept. 27 Day of Advocacy.

The protest is focused on Capitol Hill and is being led by Public Knowledge, Center for Media Justice, Common Cause, Consumers Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, Free Press, National Hispanic Media Coalition, and the Writers Guild of America-West.

At least 40 people have volunteered to share their stories in meetings with legislators about the need for applying the Title II common-carrier regulations to ISPs, according to Public Knowledge.

“For two years and counting, we have had strong enforceable rules at the FCC and the internet is thriving,” said Public Knowledge’s Katie Forscey. “And yet the dominant providers insist on rehashing old fights and directing their considerable lobbying resources in Washington towards trying to rip these rules apart.

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