FOR RELEASE: January 24, 2017

Contact: Richard T. Kaplar
The Media Institute

Arlington, Va., Jan. 24, 2017 – Media Institute President Patrick Maines today issued the following statement congratulating FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai on being appointed Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission:

“The Media Institute offers its heartiest congratulations to Ajit Pai, who is eminently qualified and extremely well positioned to lead the Federal Communications Commission.  As an FCC commissioner, Ajit Pai has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to the development of sound communications policy based on competition, and to a strong First Amendment – a commitment that has benefited all Americans.  Chairman Pai, who received The Media Institute’s Freedom of Speech Award in 2016, will now have the opportunity to shape more directly the future of a rapidly evolving telecom industry and the means by which all Americans communicate.  Given his common-sense approach, legal knowledge, and analytical expertise, we are confident that he will excel as the next FCC Chairman.”

The Media Institute is a nonprofit research foundation working to advance sound communications policy, freedom of speech, and excellence in journalism.  For more information, visit the Institute online at

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