FOR RELEASE: Jan. 7, 2015

Contact: Richard T. Kaplar
The Media Institute

Arlington, Va., Jan. 7, 2015 – Media Institute President Patrick Maines issued the following statement today in the wake of the terrorist attack on the offices of a satirical publication in Paris that left at least 12 dead:

“We are shocked and outraged by this mass murder, and we join with media organizations around the world in condemning this politically motivated attack.  Once again journalists have given their lives for the cause of free speech and free press.  Our sympathy goes out to the families of these victims.  As threats, acts of intimidation, and outright violence against the press continue to increase, we trust that journalists, backed by their news organizations, will stand strong as the torchbearers of freedom around the globe.”

The Media Institute is a nonprofit research foundation working to advance sound communications policy, freedom of speech, and excellence in journalism.  For more information, visit the Institute online at

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