Events Around Country Will Focus on First Amendment
Contact: The Media Institute
Arlington, Va., Oct. 22 – Free Speech Week (FSW) kicks off today, Oct. 22, and will run through Sunday, Oct. 28. Universities, schools, media organizations, and community groups across the nation will conduct events and projects aimed at recognizing the importance of free speech.
This non-partisan, week-long commemorative event, now in its eighth year, seeks to raise awareness of free speech and a free press throughout the country in all segments of the population.
Among prominent media “Partnering Organizations” are the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation, and Clear Channel Communications. Media groups include national trade associations, newspapers, and local TV stations.
Colleges and universities from around the country are participating in a variety of ways. FSW gives professors an opportunity to discuss free speech and the First Amendment with their students and at campus-wide events. The week has proved especially popular with professors of communications and law.
Media outlets, schools at all levels, and civic groups are invited to join the celebration as a partner on the FSW website, There is no registration fee. The FSW site also includes ideas on how to celebrate and information about current and prior years’ activities.
Free Speech Week is intended to be a unifying celebration of speech freedoms, bringing people together regardless of politics or ideology. Its goal is to raise public awareness of First Amendment rights, rather than advance any political or policy agenda.
For more information, follow FSW on Twitter @Freespeechweek, join the discussion on FSW’s Facebook Page, and find the latest information on the FSW website.
Though now independent, Free Speech Week was created in 2005 by The Media Institute, which continues to promote FSW and manage its website. The event was formerly known as “National Freedom of Speech Week.”